According to a report, Indian space agency, ISRO, launch satellite in only 60%-70% of cost.

Hello friends, welcome to know about our incredible space agency i.e. ISRO . Friends, as we know that now a days ISRO is counting in those space agencies which are most famous and reputed agency. This is becoming only due to hard working and high intelligence of ISRO's scientist.

Throughout the years, ISRO has upheld its mission of bringing space to the service of the common man, to the service of the Nation. Indian Space Research Organisation, formed in 1969 by Vikram Sarabhai.

 =>ISROunlike other space agencies such as NASA, Roscosmos, Spacex etc which are fierce competitors in the space race, is rather than humble organization focussed mainly on application of cutting edge technology for national development. Hence it would not be fair to compare ISRO with other space agencies. The incredibly cost effective successful Mangalyaan mission to Mars and the launch of highest number of satellites(104) are some of the greatest achievements of ISRO which have
established India's capability to play an important role in the space arena.
ISRO unlike other space agencies such as NASA, Roscosmos, Spacex etc which are fierce competitors in the space race, is
rather a humble organization focussed mainly on application of cutting edge technology for national development. Hence it would not be fair to compare ISRO with other space agencies. The incredibly cost effective successful Mangalyaan mission to Mars and the launch of highest number of satellites(104) are some of the greatest achievements of ISRO which have
established India's capability to play an important role in the space arena.
=> ISRO is known for shocking the rest of the world with brilliant accomplishments on a Spartan budget.

=>Among many other more modest but significant successes of course, but those two in particular have cemented their status as one of the premier space agencies in the world.

ISRO is technologically behind NASA now and also in the near future.
Now, let's see how about COMPARISON of ISRO with other SPACE AGENCIES Today.....
  • In the term of BUDGET
  • In the term of Working Method
  • In the term of  PERSONAL
  • In the term of ABILITY
  • Having most number of Batchlers
  • In the term of SELF BUILDING TRICKS
  • Capability to Build and Launch satellite from Own Soil.
These are the facts that can be in the comparison of ISRO with others.

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