Have you ever faced slow internet connection? I think that every person has faced this problem.

This is really bad experience of slow internet, when you are working on your laptop or studying on your android mobile, watching movie online in your smartphone whatever you are doing in your android mobile connected with internet. I faced slow internet problem when I was working on my website and due to slow internet, I made an error on my website that was really very bad experience.

After that, I started to research on the slow internet connection as like, " How to boost up data speed in android mobile?, How to increase internet speed in android mobile?, Tricks to increase internet speed in android mobile, how to speed up 4G LTE speed in android mobile,  why is my phone's internet so slow?"  and many more..

how to increase internet speed in your android mobile
increase data speed

I make many research on slow internet connection to boost up data speed in android mobile using tricks codes etc. From there I got many pro tricks, codes and many other sources to increase internet speed and  many tricks worked on my phone and has boosted my data speed.

I want to share all my pro tricks that can help you to solve your slow internet problem in your android mobile. These tricks are very simple in use to boost up your mobile's internet speed.

 Before starting to learn "  How to increase internet speed in your android mobile?" , let's discuss "why does your phone's internet slow?"

Read Also : How to boost up phone performance

Why does your phone's internet slow?

how to increase internet speed in your android mobile
Slow internet connection
There can various reasons behind your slow internet connection. Some of them are :
  • System cache
  • Running apps in background
  • Access point network
  • Application cache
  • Slow network coverage

All of these problems can cause in slow internet connection. To increase your android mobile's internet speed, you have to sovle all these errors from your phone. 

System cache can be a big issue in slow internet as well as affect your phone's storage. Apps that are running in background using your internet connection can also slows downs your internet speed. If there is slow or low network coverage in your area then this can absolutely slows your internet speed. When your android mobile runs then many other background apps started working and they started to collect cache files. These files harms your phone's internet speed as well as your phone's performance.

How to increase internet speed in your android mobile?

how to increase internet speed in your android mobile
How to speed up internet
Now that we know that things can be slower than usual, boost the speed of your mobile internet. Try the following tricks in your phone and see if they increase your data speed. If so, you can happily enjoy browsing, watching and gaming.
To boost up mobile's internet speed, these steps will be determined:
  • On/Airplane mode
  • Clear cache memory
  • Reset APN settings
  • Reboot your mobile
  • Try special code or apps
  • Be in network coverage area
  • Close all unused running apps 
These all can help you to speed up your phone's internet speed. So, let's understand clearly:

Try On/Off Airplane mode

If you are suffering from slow internet connection, first try to on/off your mobile's airplane mode. To activate airplane mode, just scroll down to notification bar or go to setting and search for airplane mode and make that turn on and after some times turn it off. 
Usually this can help you to reconnect to internet.

Try resetting APN setting:

If above steps doesn't help you to boost up your internet speed, then try this step.
To reset APN setting, goto your phone's settings, search for mobile connection and goto your sim settings. Select Access point network or APN and open this. You can see reset to default section in bottom or usually in three dots in upper section. Reset to default. Then goto next step.

Reboot your phone

how to increase internet speed in your android mobile
Reboot/Restart your phone
After resetting apn setting restart your phone.
After that you will definately get your internet speed increased. Because this will help to reset network issue. Rebooting android mobile is very common and easy step to boost internet speed. And this also helps to increase phone's performance. If you further feels slow internet connection after some time then,try to clear cache memory.

Try to clear cache memory

how to increase internet speed in your android mobile
Clear cache memory
Sometimes when you continuesly use your phone with internet,then it is common that your phone's app collects and make a huge amount of cache memory that can be in result of slow internet speed in your android phone.
To increase your browser or application's connection speed try to cleaning cache memory of the application.  To clear cache, try any cleaning application like avast cleaner or any other, or you can normally goto your setting, then go to app setting and check app info and then check for app data and select for clear cache. 

Try code for force LTE connection

If you are in a good network coverage area and further you can't use internet properly. It means you are not getting enough internet speed in your android mobile. If you are getting network change like LTE 4G to 3G 2G again and again, then i recommend you to use phone code to make your network in only 4G mode.
To do this, normally goto your keypad and dial *#*#4636#*#*  and then open phone information setting. Go to network selection and select your network to LTE Only . Now your network will be forcely selected on 4G only mode, hence now there will no network change issue.
I have also best trick but unfortunately this trick will applicable only for rooted phone.
For this, just Download the Network Signal Guru app from the Play Store, this app will help you select a single frequency which has the highest stability and high speed (4G uses different frequencies, for b3, b5, b40 jio users Good, 3G doesn't use more frequencies). Open the application, then open the settings, select band locking and select the frequency that has the highest speed, you can also test each frequency.


finally I hope that this will help you to increase your internet speed in your android mobile.
If you have any querry or if you want to know something about speeding up mobile internet speed then you can ask me. I'll always stand to help you.

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